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Submission Preparation Checklist

As part of the submission process, authors are required to check off their submission's compliance with all of the following items, and submissions may be returned to authors that do not adhere to these guidelines.
  • The submission has not been previously published, nor is it before another journal for consideration (or an explanation has been provided in Comments to the Editor).
  • The submission file is in OpenOffice, Microsoft Word, or RTF document file format.
  • Where available, URLs for the references have been provided.
  • The text is single-spaced; uses a 12-point font; employs italics, rather than underlining (except with URL addresses); and all illustrations, figures, and tables are placed within the text at the appropriate points, rather than at the end.
  • The text adheres to the stylistic and bibliographic requirements outlined in the Author Guidelines.
  • Suggest the three reviewers in the relevant field indicating their details as Name, Organization, Designation, Email address and area of expertise. Please upload these details as supplementary file during online submisssion.

Author Guidelines

Instructions to Contributors Guidelines


Submission of new manuscript:

  1. IMD has tie-up with NISCAIR and implemented an Online Publishing platform based on Open Journal System (OJS) for online publication and automation of editorial process of MAUSAM journal since 15th January, 2021.
  2. The submission of manuscript and review process have been made online for quarterly journal MAUSAM and authors should submit their manuscript online using “Submission” in the MAUSAM web portal
  3. The journal “MAUSAM” publishes Article, Full length paper, Shorter Contribution, Letters, Review articles in English. Authors should send only their original research contributions in MS Word Format and no manuscripts should be submitted for publication if they have already been published, accepted or submitted for publication elsewhere. Authors are requested to provide three potential reviewers/referees from different parts of the globe.
  4. The manuscript should be arranged in the following order:

(i) Insert continuous line numbers in the text of manuscript [for example]  (ii) Title including authors' names and affiliation (iii) Abstract (not exceeding 300/100 words) (iv) Introduction (v) Data and methodology or Study area (vi) Results and discussion (vii) Conclusions (viii) Acknowledgements (ix) Author statement (x) Reference list (xi) Tables (xii) Figures and Figure captions [High resolution (300dpi)in EXCEL, TIFF, JPEG format] (xiii) Appendix and Research highlights, if any.

  1. Policy on plagiarism: The manuscripts not more than 20% only are accepted.
  2. Standard abbreviations in vogue only should be used in the paper. The names of month may be normally given in full, but these can also be written in three letter forms, such as, Jan, Feb, Mar etc. the dates should be given as 23 January or 23 Jan.  Time should be given as 0300 UTC or 0830 hr (IST). Only standard units, in force, should be used in the paper, e.g., hPa (not mb), UTC (not GMT).
  3. The authors are themselves responsible for the statements and opinions advanced by them in their contributions published in “MAUSAM”. The Editor & Director General of Meteorology do not hold himself responsible for any such statement and opinions expressed by the authors in their papers.
  4. Mathematical material/equation must be clearly written, each on its own line, well away from the text. To avoid ambiguity: parentheses, brackets and braces, in this order {[()]}. Avoid awkward fractional composition by using negative powers. Use solidus fractions (l/r) in text and to avoid ambiguity: parentheses, brackets and braces, in this order {[()]}. Add one extra line space above and below all displayed equations.
  5. Author statement (Disclaimer) - Author statement (Disclaimer) should be mandatory, viz., “The contents and views expressed in this research paper/article are the views of the authors and do not necessarily reflect the views of the organizations they belong to”.
  6. Jurisdiction- The jurisdiction for all disputes concerning submitted articles, published material and subscription will be at Director General, India Meteorological Department, Lodi Road, New Delhi / courts/tribunals situated in Delhi only.
  7. Copyright - All copyright reserved by Editor “MAUSAM”, Director General, India Meteorological Department, Lodi Road, New Delhi.


Submission of modified manuscript:


  1. The manuscript should be modified with careful attention to the referee’s comments/remarks accordingly as per suggested by the peer reviewer. Authors have to provide the modified manuscript as suggested above in the “Submission of new manuscript”.
  2. In the modified manuscript, authors should provide an annotated version that highlights the changes made to the earlier version of the manuscript. This can be done easily with the "track changes" or "record changes" option available in modern word processors.
  3. The author should give point-by-point reply to their viewers' comments. Reply to each reviewer's comments separately and include their viewer's comments in the reply.
  4. The author should give a brief description of the changes made in response to the comment and give the reviewers and editor, a pointer to the changes in the revised manuscript.
  5. The modifications and additions of Author Names after acceptance of the paper will not be entertained.
  6. The author should submit the revised manuscript from the date of submission and modified manuscript after receiving referee comments within three months; otherwise your submission will not be considered.


After Acceptance of the paper


Authors have to provide the final (accepted) version manuscript and figures as electronic files. Research paper/shorter contribution/letter is appearing in the MAUSAM, final formatted research paper/shorter contribution/letter as appearing in “MAUSAM” will be sent to corresponding author for final checking by author(s). The same will be returned by the author within two or three days for further action in due course.


For further enquiry/details, please visit our web portal Or contact us at “The Editor ‘MAUSAM’, India Meteorological Department, Mausam Bhawan, Lodi Road, New Delhi-110 003”.


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Telephone: 43824298, 43824522, Telefax: 91-11-24699216 & 91-11-24623220


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