Synoptic systems associated with onset of southwest monsoon over Rajasthan


  • B. R. LOE India Meteorological Department, New Delhi – 110 003, India
  • MEHFOOZ ALI India Meteorological Department, New Delhi – 110 003, India
  • D. JOARDAR India Meteorological Department, New Delhi – 110 003, India



Synoptic features, Monsoon disturbances, Monsoon surge, Air masses, Low pressure systems (LPS), MTC, Onset


An attempt has been made to identify the main synoptic features, which are responsible for onset of southwest monsoon over the two met sub divisions east and west Rajasthan for the period 1971-2004 based on modern observational technology and developed forecasting technique in the field of short-range prediction of monsoon surges. The low pressure systems (LPS) originate over Arabian Sea, especially the formation of MTC which indicates a good signature for predicting onset of monsoon, which is the prominent feature for causing onset of summer monsoon over Rajasthan. In addition LPSs form over Bay of Bengal moved in west to northwestwards direction and reach over Rajasthan and its neighbourhood region as a lopar or an upper air cycir, also brings monsoon over Rajasthan.





How to Cite

B. R. LOE, M. ALI, and D. JOARDAR, “Synoptic systems associated with onset of southwest monsoon over Rajasthan”, MAUSAM, vol. 56, no. 4, pp. 857–872, Oct. 2005.



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