Diurnal and spatial variation of convective parameters over Bay of Bengal during BOBMEX 1999






Convective available potential energy, Convective inhibition energy, moist, static energy


 An attempt has been made to study the diurnal and spatial variation of thermo-dynamical parameters viz., Convective Available Potential Energy (CAPE), Convective Inhibition Energy (CINE), Moist Static Energy (MSE), convectively generated maximum updraft speed (Wmax) and non-dimensional kinetic parameter (L) over Bay of Bengal during BOBMEX-1999 period. The study reveals that there is a marked diurnal variation in these thermodynamic parameters over Bay of Bengal. The average value of the CAPE was found to be more during the night than in the day and the negative value of CINE and MSE are found to be more during the day than in the night.  The study also shows that during the period of experiment on most of the days, lower troposphere was convectively unstable (moist). The composite analysis of CAPE shows that southwest & adjoining west-central Bay near Sri Lanka - Tamil Nadu coast is more convectively unstable and an alternate rise and fall in it also indicates the presence of inertia gravity waves.

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 An attempt has been made to study the diurnal and spatial variation of thermo-dynamical parameters viz., Convective Available Potential Energy (CAPE), Convective Inhibition Energy (CINE), Moist Static Energy (MSE), convectively generated maximum updraft speed (Wmax) and non-dimensional kinetic parameter (L) over Bay of Bengal during BOBMEX-1999 period. The study reveals that there is a marked diurnal variation in these thermodynamic parameters over Bay of Bengal. The average value of the CAPE was found to be more during the night than in the day and the negative value of CINE and MSE are found to be more during the day than in the night.  The study also shows that during the period of experiment on most of the days, lower troposphere was convectively unstable (moist). The composite analysis of CAPE shows that southwest & adjoining west-central Bay near Sri Lanka - Tamil Nadu coast is more convectively unstable and an alternate rise and fall in it also indicates the presence of inertia gravity waves.




How to Cite

S. DUTTA and A. . P. KESARKAR, “Diurnal and spatial variation of convective parameters over Bay of Bengal during BOBMEX 1999 ”, MAUSAM, vol. 55, no. 2, pp. 323–328, Apr. 2004.



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