Simulation modeling of rice genotypes of yield and yield attributes at different nitrogen levels and different dates of transplanting using CERES 3.5 v for eastern Uttar Pradesh





- Crop simulation model, Statistical model, Rice, Genetic coefficient


The present investigation was carried out at Agrometeorological Instructional Farm of Narendra Deva University of Agriculture & Technology, Kumarganj, Faizabad (U.P.) during Kharif season of 2005-06 to investigate the CERES v 3.5 model validations for rice at different dates of transplanting and different genotypes. Treatment consisted of three genotypes, viz., Sarjoo-52, NDR-359 and  Pant Dhan-4, two dates of transplanting, viz.,         July 5, 2005 and  July 25, 2005 & three nitrogen levels, viz., 80 kg/ha, 120 kg/ha and 160 kg/ha. The experiment was laid out in Randomized Block Design (RBD). From the response of simulation model it is observed that accuracy of simulated value decrease with late sowing in all the genotypes. Among the varieties the Pant Dhan-4 was found to have maximum closeness to observed value followed by Sarjoo-52 and NDR-359 at all nitrogen level for Biomass (gm/m2). Grain yield predication at 120 kg N level was found closest in Pant Dhan-4 and Sarjoo-52, while in NDR­-359 shows the better closeness at 160 kg N in both dates of transplanting. In the weight/grain (gm) 120 kg nitrogen level was found to have highest accuracy of (100%), i.e., no difference between observed and predicted value in both transplanting dates and nitrogen level.




How to Cite

N. . KUMAR and P. . TRIPATHI, “Simulation modeling of rice genotypes of yield and yield attributes at different nitrogen levels and different dates of transplanting using CERES 3.5 v for eastern Uttar Pradesh”, MAUSAM, vol. 60, no. 4, pp. 521–524, Oct. 2009.



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