Verification of real-time WRF-ARW forecast in IMD during monsoon 2010


  • ANANDA K. DAS India Meteorological Department, New Delhi – 110 003, India
  • P. K. KUNDU Mathematics Department, Jadavpur University, Kolkata – 700 032, India
  • S. K. ROY BHOWMIK India Meteorological Department, New Delhi – 110 003, India
  • M. RATHEE India Meteorological Department, New Delhi – 110 003, India



WRF-ARW model, WRFDA assimilation system, Verification and categorical skill scores


Performance of the mesoscale model WRF-ARW has been evaluated for whole monsoon season of 2011. The real-time model forecasts are generated day to day in India meteorological Department for short-range weather prediction over the Indian region. Verification of rainfall forecasts has been carried out against observed rainfall analysis whereas for all other meteorological parameters verification analysis which was generated using WRFDA assimilation system. Traditional continuous scores and categorical skill scores are computed over seven different zones in India in the verification of rainfall. For other parameters (upper-air as well as surface), continuous scores are evaluated with temporal and spatial features during whole season.

The forecast errors of meteorological parameters other than rainfall are analyzed to portray the model efficiency in maintaining monsoon features in large scale along with localized pattern. In the study, time series of errors throughout the season also has been maneuvered to evaluate model forecasts during diverse phases of monsoon. Categorical scores suggest the model forecasts are reliable up to moderate rainfall category for all seven zones.  But, rainfall areas with rainfall above 35.5 mm per day associated with migrated weather system from Indian seas could not be predicted as the model displaces them in the forecast. The verification for a whole monsoon season has shown that the model has capability to predict orographic rainfall for the interactive areas with low level monsoon flow over Western Ghats.  The model efficiency are in general brought out for a single monsoon season and errors characteristics are discussed for further improvement which could not perceived during real-time use of the model. 




How to Cite

A. K. . DAS, P. K. KUNDU, S. K. R. . BHOWMIK, and M. . RATHEE, “Verification of real-time WRF-ARW forecast in IMD during monsoon 2010”, MAUSAM, vol. 67, no. 2, pp. 333–356, Apr. 2016.



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