Regression equations between mean wind power density and mean hourly wind speed during the monsoon season





Utilising the hourly wind speed data of some selected Indian stations with good wind regime during the monsoon season, mean dally and monthly wind power density and mean daily and monthly wind speeds have been obtained for each day and for each month. From these, correlation coefficients between mean daily power density and cube of mean daily wind speed and also between mean monthly power density and cube of mean monthly wind speed have been computed for the monsoon months. These correlations are found to be consistently very high (> 0.92) and stable. In view of this very close and stable relationship, regression equations have been obtained between the mean daily wind power density and the cube of mean daily wind speed, as well as between the mean monthly wind power density and the cube of mean monthly wind speed during the monsoon season. The constants in these equations are found to have a linear relationship with the mean wind speed. These equations were applied to independent data to estimate the mean wind power density for the monsoon season from the mean wind speed and the estimates for the different stations were generally found to be within 15 percent of the mean power for the season as computed from the hourly wind speed data for the independent period. The equations have the potential of application to mean wind, speed from the cup anemometer data which are available from a large number of stations in India, for estimation of mean wind power density during the monsoon season.




How to Cite

D. . MOOLEY and S. ARALIKATTI, “Regression equations between mean wind power density and mean hourly wind speed during the monsoon season”, MAUSAM, vol. 36, no. 1, pp. 33–38, Jan. 1985.



Research Papers