Climatological approach to cropping pattern in Karnataka


  • G. SURYANARAYANA University of Agricultural Sciences, Bangalore
  • B. R. HEGDE University of Agricultural Sciences, Bangalore
  • K. R. KULKARNI University of Agricultural Sciences, Bangalore



The State of Karnataka is divided into four agroclimatic zones, based on the moisture index during the cropping season, The suitable period for cropping in each zone was worked out by considering the rainfall and actual evapotranspiration (AET). Keeping in view the soil moisture availability in relation to the evaporative demand of the climate during the crop growing season, the optimum dates of sowing for kharif and rabi crops have been suggested. The existing cropping pattern in relation to rainfall, soil moisture, topography and soil type are discussed. The possibility of modifying the cropping pattern has been discussed in relation to the computed safe cropping period for each zone.




How to Cite

G. SURYANARAYANA, B. R. HEGDE, and K. R. KULKARNI, “Climatological approach to cropping pattern in Karnataka”, MAUSAM, vol. 35, no. 1, pp. 75–80, Jan. 1984.



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