Profiles of mean static energy over India


  • MC PANT Meteorological Office, New Delhi
  • MS SINGH Meteorological Office, New Delhi
  • MANOHAR LAL Meteorological Office, New Delhi



 This paper presents the climatological distribution of mean static energy CpT +gz+ Lq over India and its monthly and seasonal variations. The total energy content over India is  minimum in the month of January and maximum in July. The meridional gradient of energy is from south to north during water months and shows a reversal in monsoon months when maximum energy is concentrated in the monsoon trough zone over, north India.

Mean static energy profiles show that atmosphere over the whole country exhibits tropical characteristics during July but only south of 18° N latitude in January. The profiles also indicate that convective instability is a normal feature of southern latitudes throughout the year. Over north India, however, no such Instability is seen in the month of January but it is present in a deeper layer (from surface upto 6.0 km) in July.




How to Cite

M. PANT, M. SINGH, and M. . LAL, “Profiles of mean static energy over India”, MAUSAM, vol. 36, no. 3, pp. 371–374, Jul. 1985.



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