Evaporation rates from different pans under humid tropical conditions


  • A SAMBASIVARAO Centre or Water Resources Development and Management, Calicut
  • VK VAMADEVAN Centre or Water Resources Development and Management, Calicut




Under humid tropical conditions, the relative evaporation .rates from Class A open pan, G.G.I. 3000 and Colorado sunken pans were studied.. The recorded evaporation values were compared with evaporation estimated with a modified Penman equation. The Inter relationship between evaporation values and the influence of weather parameters on evaporation were also studied using statistical correlations.

About 88-93 per cent of insolation was absorbed from the pan surfaces for evaporation. The seasonal variation of evaporation was between 4 and 10. mm/day and the variation In evaporation due to type of pan used was up to 3 mm/day. The estimated evaporation values were within +-2.0 mm/day from the measured values. The evaporation values from the sunken pans were higher than from Class A by 1-3 mm/day and they were also closely correlated. The aerodynamic parameters were closely correlated with evaporation from Class A than from the sunken pans. The high soil thermal regime the area during October to May has increased the evaporation from the sunken pans.




How to Cite

A. SAMBASIVARAO and V. VAMADEVAN, “Evaporation rates from different pans under humid tropical conditions”, MAUSAM, vol. 37, no. 3, pp. 325–328, Jul. 1986.



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