Study of return periods of earthquakes in some Selected Indian and adjoining regions


  • HN SRIVASTAVA Meteorological Office, New Delhi
  • RS DATTATRAYAM Meteorological Office, New Delhi



Recurrence intervals for earthquakes of magnitudes from 5.0 to 8.5 have been worked out using Gumbers extreme value theory and compared with those determined by Gutenberg-Richter’s frequency-magnitude relationship for SIX regions, namely, (A) Hindukush, (B) Kashmir and Himachal Pradesh, (C) India-western Nepal border, (0) Nepal-Sikkim border, (E) Northeast India and (F) Andaman and Nicobar Islands. A data sample for the period 1962 to 1976 and another for a longer period have been used for the purpose and limitations of the results obtained are discussed, Gumbel's extreme value theory gives better estimates of the return period of the maximum magnitude earthquakes when data for longer period is taken. The recurrence intervals thus estimated for earthquakes of magnitude 8/6 for the six regions are 22/2, 203/10, 222/11, 160/9, 34/4 and 58/4 years respectively.




How to Cite

H. SRIVASTAVA and R. DATTATRAYAM, “Study of return periods of earthquakes in some Selected Indian and adjoining regions”, MAUSAM, vol. 37, no. 3, pp. 333–340, Jul. 1986.



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