Dryland farming under limited water resources


  • RP SAMUI Meteorological Office, Pune
  • AL JOG Meteorological Office, Pune




Climatic data of five selected districts of Maharashtra State have beel1 al1alysed for assured weekly rainfall at 70, 50 and 30 per cent levels, The deficits of water availability have been calculated from the potential eyapotranspiration data. It revealed that dryland agriculture without supplemental irrigation is highly risky in Pune, Solapur and Ahmednagar districts, Jalgaon and Aurangabad districts showed relatively better rainfall environment for crop production in the kharif season, Irrigation needs in mid-August are predicted, Shorter duration crops which fit in the available rainfall pattern are suggested.

Moisture availability index concept has been utilized, to predict the suitable, time of planting of kharif crops. The probabilities of needs of, and timing for the application of life saving irrigation at critical crop growth stages are predicted. The information would be useful to agronomists in crop planning and water management.




How to Cite

R. SAMUI and A. JOG, “Dryland farming under limited water resources”, MAUSAM, vol. 37, no. 3, pp. 401–406, Jul. 1986.



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