Application of a Markovian model to the study of Sunshine in four cities in the north of Spain


  • P. L. FERNANDEZ Deparatamento de Fisica Fundamental, Facultad de Ciencias, Universidad de Santander
  • L. S. QUINDOS Deparatamento de Fisica Fundamental, Facultad de Ciencias, Universidad de Santander
  • J. SOTO Deparatamento de Fisica Fundamental, Facultad de Ciencias, Universidad de Santander
  • E. VILLAR Deparatamento de Fisica Fundamental, Facultad de Ciencias, Universidad de Santander



The weather of a given day and the following one are not statistically independent, but show a kind of correlation. In this work, we have determined the autocorrelation parameters for several cities in the north of Spain in the framework of a simplified meteorological model with two states : (F) fine and (B) bad weather. These states are defined as a function of the relative daily sunshine. The model is satisfactory since most of the theoretical results are in agreement with the experimental ones, specially the monthly percentages of fine and bad days and the mean lengths of the different sequences in each month of the year.




How to Cite

P. L. FERNANDEZ, L. S. QUINDOS, J. SOTO, and E. VILLAR, “Application of a Markovian model to the study of Sunshine in four cities in the north of Spain”, MAUSAM, vol. 34, no. 4, pp. 395–398, Oct. 1983.



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