On time varying currents and hydrographic conditions in The central Arabian Sea during summer monsoon-I977


  • K. V. SUNDARA RAMAM Naval Physical and Oceanographic Laboratory, Cochin
  • C. V. K. PRASADA RAO Naval Physical and Oceanographic Laboratory, Cochin
  • N. DURGA PRASAD Naval Physical and Oceanographic Laboratory, Cochin




Time variations of currents, temperatures and salinities at specified depths from surface to 1000 m have been studied using the hydrographic and current data collected by the USSR research ships at northern and southern locations of the central Arabian Sea polygon of Monsoon- 77 experiment. The results are discussed in relation to the onset and progress of the summer monsoon. The influence of a severe cyclonic storm on the variation of thermal structure in the surface layers is also discussed.




How to Cite

K. V. S. RAMAM, C. V. K. P. RAO, and N. D. PRASAD, “On time varying currents and hydrographic conditions in The central Arabian Sea during summer monsoon-I977”, MAUSAM, vol. 33, no. 4, pp. 451–458, Oct. 1982.



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