Estimation of fluxes from wind and temperature profiles in the marine atmospheric surface boundary layer


  • KG VERNEKAR Indian Institute of Tropical Meteorology, Pune – 411008, India
  • S SIVARAMAKRISHNAN Indian Institute of Tropical Meteorology, Pune – 411008, India
  • BRIJ MOHAN Indian Institute of Tropical Meteorology, Pune – 411008, India
  • S SAXENA Indian Institute of Tropical Meteorology, Pune – 411008, India



Daytime hourly measurements on wind profile at a station 7°40'N, 78°26' 131, and wind and temperature profiles at 12°35' N, 80°48'E, were made in the 3-6 m layer above sea surface, using sensors fitted at six levels on a 3,2 m mast which was projected forward of the bow of the research vessel “R.V. Gaveshoni” during her cruise in May 1983 when she was halted at these stations, on 16 and 20 May respectively, for observations.

Drag coefficient was estimated from wind profiles on 16th, Wind profiles on 20th were corrected for diabetic effects using the corresponding temperature profiles and the estimated drag coefficient, momentum and sensible heat flux are presented.




How to Cite

K. VERNEKAR, S. SIVARAMAKRISHNAN, B. . MOHAN, and S. SAXENA, “Estimation of fluxes from wind and temperature profiles in the marine atmospheric surface boundary layer”, MAUSAM, vol. 38, no. 2, pp. 157–162, Apr. 1987.



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