Certain aspects of incident global solar radiation distribution over the project area with special reference to Lake Victoria






solar radiation, Lake Victoria, World Meteorological Organization (WMO 1971)


With the aid of mean monthly fully analysed charts of incident global solar radiation (IGSR) over the Project Area, isopleth planimetering ,was used to derive the mean monthly values  of IGSR over Lake Victoria. A graphical presentation of results indicated a wave configuration for each of the five years of study1970 to1974, as well as for the 5-year mean. Two maxima of IGSR    were found to occur during or about the equinoxes and two minima each at or about the summer and winter solstices .The waveform approximated in phase that constructed from Angot values over equatorial region but differed amplitude. The sunshine duration was found to be in good

phase with the IGSR at least for the individual year plots but not quite so for the 5-year mean.

By comparing the mean monthly charts of the 5-year mean monthly charts of IGSR over the Project Area also the main quasi-permanent configurations of this parameter were brought to light. Three centre of low IGSR were found to exist; one over Lake kyoga  Nile and both surrounded by high The monthly and seasonal changes in the order of the magnitude  of the centre were small  approximating the order the observational error in IGSR as recommended by the World Meteorological Organization (WMO 1971), for which reason therefore, they were said to be semi-stationary .




How to Cite

]EFFERIES A. . . PARAMENA, “Certain aspects of incident global solar radiation distribution over the project area with special reference to Lake Victoria”, MAUSAM, vol. 30, no. 1, pp. 39–50, Jan. 1979.



Research Papers