Role of tree-ring analysis and related studies 10 palaeoclimatology : Preliminary survey and scope for Indian region


  • Govind B. Pant



palaeoclimatlogy, dendroclimatology, Indian region


The subject of  palaeoclimatlogy and  various methods of palaeoclimatlogical  research are introduced as a multi dicsciplinary approach. The methods of inferring clirnatclogical information from the tree-ring analysis and related studies along withr elevant detail, of sample collection and limitations of the method are discussed .Current status of research in dendroclimatology is reviewed and important techniques are summarised. Available literature relatingto.&rowth.rings tudies.for Indian tree and important findings and limitations relevant to planning and establishment of dendroclimatic research in lndia are discussed. The scopeand importance  f dendroclimatic research in the light of relationship of tropical climate with the tree-growth characteristics  presented.The trees of Pinus family such as Chlr and other conifers along the Himalayan snowline and sub-Himalayan mountains with relatively prominent ring-structure arc believed to showa signif icant response to temperature andsnowfall. Maintenance balanc:e throughout the year for the trees in the regions of scanty rain fall and occasional droughts IS essential for their prope r growth. Study of the Interaction hetween. various climatic factors during the growing season an~ possible effects of previous seasons on tree growth is essential for orchard owners and forest planners In these regions. Therefore. the urgent need for an intensive study of response of certain tree species in semi-arid tropical region s of India to rainfall, in particular the instancesof severe droughts is  recommended. The optimum water balance requirements of plant communities can be estimated on the basis of the statistical relationship between the growth parameters and the seasonal rainfall amounts. A comparison of growth parameters of trees from reserve forests and largely inhabited regions of  similar climatic zones may bring out much demanded information about the role of forests on the ecological balance.




How to Cite

G. B. Pant, “Role of tree-ring analysis and related studies 10 palaeoclimatology : Preliminary survey and scope for Indian region ”, MAUSAM, vol. 30, no. 4, pp. 439–448, Oct. 1979.



Research Papers