Organisation of large-scale clouds over the Indian Ocean as revealed by TIROS-N satellite during June 1979


  • PN MAHAJAN Indian Institute of Tropical Meteorology, Pune



Organisation of large-scale cloud patterns over the Indian Ocean is examined from the satellite cloud imagery during June 1979. From the qualitative consideration, a response of the atmosphere to the underlying ocean surface temperature through energy exchanges and formation of cloud cells in the moving air masses over warm and cold oceans are discussed. It is observed from satellite pictures that the organisation of extensive cloud bands in southeasterly trades curved sharply near the axis of southern hemispheric equatorial trough between 10and 50 S. Satellite- derived low-level wind field and the observed small scale cloud features indicated prominently the turning across the axis of trough. Major convective cloud clusters to the north of 100 S and cellular cloud patterns to the south of it indicated trade wind inversion in south easterlies and its a absence in southwest-erlies.




How to Cite

P. MAHAJAN, “Organisation of large-scale clouds over the Indian Ocean as revealed by TIROS-N satellite during June 1979”, MAUSAM, vol. 38, no. 3, pp. 309–312, Jul. 1987.



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