A radar reflectivity-rainfall rate relationship for the Southwest monsoon season for the Madras area


  • S RAGHAVAN Cyclone Detection Radar, India Met. Dep., Madras
  • TR SIVARAMAKRISHNAN Cyclone Detection Radar, India Met. Dep., Madras
  • S RENGARAJAN Cyclone Detection Radar, India Met. Dep., Madras
  • SW PREMKUMAR Cyclone Detection Radar, India Met. Dep., Madras




Following the methodology of Raghavan and Sivaramakrishnan (1982), mean Z-R relationships were derived for the southwest monsoon season for the Madras area using both an analog isoecho circuit and digital video processor along with a set of recording raingauges. The digital processor uses a better method of ghsignal averaging than the analog circuit used earlier which tended to overestimate the received power" The mean 1 relationship obtained with the digital radar can be used for practical estimation of rainfall and its spatial distribution for realtime and cliJnatological purposes. However, an adjustment of the magnitude of the estimate on each occasion using calibrating raingauges is necessary.




How to Cite

S. RAGHAVAN, T. SIVARAMAKRISHNAN, S. RENGARAJAN, and S. PREMKUMAR, “A radar reflectivity-rainfall rate relationship for the Southwest monsoon season for the Madras area”, MAUSAM, vol. 38, no. 3, pp. 335–340, Jul. 1987.



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