On the role of large scale energetics in the onset and maintenance of summer monsoon -I: Heat budget


  • U. C. MOHANTY Centre for Atmospheric & Fluids Sciences, Indian Institute of Technology, New Delhi
  • S. K. DUBE Centre for Atmospheric & Fluids Sciences, Indian Institute of Technology, New Delhi
  • P. C. SINHA Centre for Atmospheric & Fluids Sciences, Indian Institute of Technology, New Delhi




The effect of large-scale heat budget on the onset and activities of southwest Asian monsoon is studied for the tropical belt (20 deg. S-40 deg. N and 0 deg. E-150 deg. E). For this study the level-IIIb analysis of the First GARP Global Experiment (FGGE) during May-July 1979 is utilised.


The daily variation, vertical distribution and period averages of the various terms in heat budget equation are closely examined to find out their influence on the activities of monsoon. It is found that there is significant increase in the net enthalpy, horizontal convergence of heat and diabatic heating about two weeks before the onset of monsoon over Kerala coast. It is further found that a decreasing trend in these values is observed about one week before the break monsoon condition, which started over India on 16 July 1979. The vertical distribution, period averages and the boundary fluxes also confirm the above findings.




How to Cite

U. C. MOHANTY, S. K. DUBE, and P. C. SINHA, “On the role of large scale energetics in the onset and maintenance of summer monsoon -I: Heat budget”, MAUSAM, vol. 33, no. 2, pp. 139–152, Apr. 1982.



Research Papers