Chemistry of monsoon rains over Calcutta, West Bengal


  • DK DAS Geological Survey of India, Calcutta



During the monsoon of 1984 (June-September), in all 50 filtered (0.45 IJom) rainwater samples were collected from Calcutta (West Bengall) and the samples were analysed for major, minor and trace elements, The analytical data, so far obtained, reveals that different chemical components are depended on different meteorological factors. Bicarbonate is predominant anion whereas calcium is predominant caution. Nearby sea seems to have greater influence on overall chemistry of rainwater, Most of the ions originate from marine origin but non-marine activity also plays an important role towards rainwater chemistry. Trace elements concentrations ID the rainwater have also been reported during the period of study. Further, a rough estimation of input of inorganic constituents (presently SO" NO3 and Cl) from the atmospheric precipitation over the West Bengal has been calculated and reported in this paper.




23-05-2022 — Updated on 01-01-1988


How to Cite

D. DAS, “Chemistry of monsoon rains over Calcutta, West Bengal ”, MAUSAM, vol. 39, no. 1, pp. 75–82, Jan. 1988.



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