Numerical Solution for 3-D lee wave associated with barotropic mean flow across the Assam-Burma hills


  • Dr PrasantaDas Ramananda College



ABH, Perturbation vertical velocity (w'), Streamline displacement


An attempt has been made to obtain a 3-D lee wave numerical solution associated with meso-scale dry mean flow across the Assam-Burma hills (ABH), where the flow is an adiabatic, inviscid, laminar, steady, Bousisnesq, non-rotational.ABH has been synthesized by two three dimensional ellipticalbarriers, separated by a valley of some finite distance, where the two components (U, V) of basic flow and Brunt-Vaisala frequency (N) are idealistic invariant with height. For simplicity the zonal component (U) and meridional component (V) are normal and parallel to the major axis of the elliptical barrier respectively and also perturbation technique has been applied to the governing equations. The perturbation vertical velocity (w' ) and stream line displacement (n' ) are expressed as a double integral. These two integrals have been evaluated numerically. The down-stream variation and updraft/downdraft regions associated with lee waves at different heights has been mapped and discussed and finally have compared to the asymptotic results of earlier investigators.




How to Cite

D. PrasantaDas, “Numerical Solution for 3-D lee wave associated with barotropic mean flow across the Assam-Burma hills”, MAUSAM, vol. 74, no. 1, pp. 1–10, Jan. 2023.



Research Papers