Increase in annual frequency of the severe cyclonic storms of the Bay after 1964- Possible causes


  • D. A. MOOLEY Indian Institute of Tropical Meteorology, Pune



The series of annual frequency of severe cyclonic storms which struck the coast around the Bay of Bengal during the period 1877-1977 has been examined to find out if any significant change has occurred in the mean frequency, It is observed that while the series for the period is homogeneous, a highly significant increase in the mean annual frequency has occurred after 1964. The larger annual mean frequency may be due to better facilities of detection of severe storms and/ or meteorological conditions over the Bay being more frequently favourable for intensification of storms into severe storms, An estimate of the mean annual frequency is made for the next 50-year period and the frequency distribution on the basis of this mean is given for the period, utilising the Poisson probability model which has shown good fit to past data.




How to Cite

D. A. MOOLEY, “Increase in annual frequency of the severe cyclonic storms of the Bay after 1964- Possible causes”, MAUSAM, vol. 32, no. 1, pp. 35–40, Jan. 1981.



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