Trends in the polar sea ice coverage under climate change scenario


  • AMITA PRABHU Indian Institute of Tropical Meteorology, Pune, India
  • P.N. MAHAJAN Indian Institute of Tropical Meteorology, Pune, India
  • R.M. KHALADKAR Indian Institute of Tropical Meteorology, Pune, India



Sea Ice Extent, Climate change, Global change, Global warming, Cryosphere


The development in the satellite microwave technology during the past three decades has offered an opportunity to the scientific community to access the sea ice data over the polar regions, which was otherwise inaccessible for continuous monitoring by any other means. The present study focuses on the trends in the Sea Ice Extent (SIE) over different sectors of the Arctic and the Antarctic regions and the interannual variability in their extremes. In general, the data over the period (1979-2007) reveal marked interannual variability in the sea ice cover with an increasing and the decreasing trend over the Antarctic and the Arctic region respectively. Over the southern hemisphere, only the Bellingshausen and Amundsen Seas sector shows an exceptional decreasing trend. However, in the northern hemisphere, all the sectors show a decreasing trend, with the Kara and Barents Seas sector being the most prominent one. Although, the decreasing trend of the SIE over the Arctic could be attributed to the global warming, an intriguing question still remains as to why the other polar region shows a different behaviour.




How to Cite

A. . PRABHU, P. . MAHAJAN, and R. . KHALADKAR, “Trends in the polar sea ice coverage under climate change scenario”, MAUSAM, vol. 62, no. 4, pp. 609–616, Oct. 2011.



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