‘Below Minima' conditions of weather over New Delhi (Palam) and their simultaneity of occurrence at New Delhi (Safdarjung), Agra, Allahabad, Lucknow and Jodhpur






An analysis of the frequency and duration of spells of poor visibility and of low loud ceiling over Palam, New Delhi, below certain specified limits has been presented using the data for the period 1949-53.Below minima condition prevailing, simultaneous over neighbouring airfield at Safdarjung are also presented.  Simultaneity of weather conditions below specified limits over Agra, Allahabad, Lucknow and Jodhpur have also been studied with a view to assess their comparative suitability as alternates for Palam.


It has been found that on occasions of poor visibility over Palam, Safdarjung too may be affected simultaneously on nearly 60-pre cent of the occasions. Agra is affected on 30 per cent and Allahabad, Lhcknow and Jodhpur on only less than 12 per cent of the total number of occasions over Palam. Among these, Allahabad and Lucknow are India more suitable as alternates for Palam during May and June while Jodhpur is better during the winter month .In regard to low clouds, Safdarjung is generally affected simultaneously with Palam on nearly 70 per cent of the occasions. On occasions of ‘below minima’ conditions of visibility or of low clouds. or both over Palam the suitability or aerodromes mentioned above as diversionaries stands in the following order of preference--(l) Jodhpur,(2) Lucknow, (3) Allahabad and (4) Agra.




How to Cite

K. M. . RAMAMURTHI, “‘Below Minima’ conditions of weather over New Delhi (Palam) and their simultaneity of occurrence at New Delhi (Safdarjung), Agra, Allahabad, Lucknow and Jodhpur”, MAUSAM, vol. 10, no. 1, pp. 37–46, Jan. 1959.



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