Tropical cyclones prediction by numerical models in India Meteorological Department


  • Y. V. RAMA RAO India Meteorological Department, New Delhi – 110 003, India
  • H. R. HATWAR India Meteorological Department, New Delhi – 110 003, India
  • GEETA AGNIHOTRI Meteorological Office, Bangalore, India



Super cyclone, Model simulation, Track errors


lkj & bl 'kks/k&Ik= esa Hkkjr ekSle foKku foHkkx ¼Hkk- ekS- fo- fo-½ esa viukbZ xbZ pØokr izfr:fir djus dh dfYir rduhdksa ij ppkZ dh xbZ gSA vDrwcj 1999 esa mM+hlk esa vk, egkpØokr ds izkjfEHkd {ks=ksa esa dkYifud Hkzfeyrk dk mi;ksx djds] pØokr ds fof’k"V ekWMy] Doklh ySaxjfx;u ekWMy ¼D;w- ,y- ,e-½ ls 72 ?kaVs ds iwokZuqeku vkSj Hkkjr ekSle foKku foHkkx ds lhfer {ks= fun’kZ ¼,y- ,- ,e-½ ls 36 ?kaVs ds iwokZuqeku izfr:fir fd, x,A bl 'kks/k esa] 26 ls 28 vDrwcj rd dh izkjafHkd fLFkfr;ksa ds vk/kkj ij D;w- ,y- ,e- ls pØokr ds ekxZ ds iwokZuqeku dh vkSlr =qfV;k¡ 24 ?kaVs ds fy, 21 fd-eh-] 48 ?kaVs ds fy,  91 fd-eh- vkSj 72 ?kaVs ds fy, 179 fd-eh- jghA 1998&2004 rd ds fiNys lkr o"kksZa ds nkSjku D;w- ,y- ,e- ls pØokr ds ekxZ ds iwokZuqeku dh =qfV;ksa ds vk¡dM+ksa ij Hkh blesa ppkZ dh xbZ gSA blds vykok] ,y- ,- ,e- ls fd, x, iwokZuqeku ij izkjafHkd fLFkfr;ksa ds izHkko dh Hkh tk¡p dh xbZA fofHkUu izkjafHkd fLFkfr;ksa ls rS;kj fd, x, vkSlr ¼lesfdr½ iwokZuqeku ls 24 ?kaVs ds iwokZuqeku esa 123 fd-eh- vkSj 36 ?kaVs ds iwokZuqeku esa 81 fd-eh- dh =qfV;k¡ ikbZ xbZ] tks ,dek= iwokZuqeku dh rqyuk esa de jghA bu iz;ksxksa ls ;g irk pyk fd dkYifud Hkzfeyrk okys D;w- ,y- ,e- ekWMy ls pØokr ds ekxZ  dk lVhd iwokZuqeku izkIr fd;k tk ldrk gS tks vHkh rd la[;kRed ekWMyksa ls miyC/k gks ikrk FkkA

 In the present paper, the cyclone bogusing techniques followed in India Meteorological Department (IMD) were discussed. Using the idealized vortex in the initial fields for Orissa super cyclone October 1999, the specialized cyclone model, Quasi-Lagrangian Model (QLM) 72 hours track forecast and also 36 hours forecast with IMD limited area model (LAM) were simulated. In this case, the QLM average track forecast errors based on 26-28 October initial conditions were 21 km for 24 hours, 91 km for 48 hours and 179 km for 72 hours. Also the QLM track forecast error statistics during the last 7 years 1998-2004 are discussed. In addition, the impact of initial conditions on the LAM forecast was examined. It was observed that the mean (ensemble) forecast generated from different initial conditions was shown track error of 123 km in 24 hours and 81 km in 36 hours forecast which is less than individual forecast. These experiments have established that the QLM model, with idealized vortex, provides track forecast within an accuracy level that was currently available from numerical models.





How to Cite

Y. V. R. . RAO, H. R. . HATWAR, and G. . . AGNIHOTRI, “Tropical cyclones prediction by numerical models in India Meteorological Department”, MAUSAM, vol. 57, no. 1, pp. 47–60, Jan. 2006.



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