Tropical cyclonic storms – Modeling studies in Indian Air Force


  • R. P. SHIVHARE Directorate of Met Air HQ (VB), New Delhi, India
  • V. S. SRINIVAS Directorate of Met Air HQ (VB), New Delhi, India



Air Force Met Section, Research tropical cyclone, MM5 model


lkj & ns’k esa Hkkjrh; ok;qlsuk ¼vkbZ- ,- ,Q-½ dh lqjf{kr mM+kuksa ds fy, ekSle lsok,¡ miyC/k djkus dk mRrjnkf;Ro ekSle foKku foHkkx ds funs’kky; dk gSA Hkkjrh; ok;qlsuk ds csl ij fLFkr ekSle ¼esV½ dk;kZy; m".kdfVca/kh; pØokrksa ds cuus] rhoz gksus vkSj mudh xfr dk lw{e :Ik ls ekWuhVju djrs gSa rFkk ok;qlsuk dh cgqewY; lEifRr] eq[; :Ik ls gokbZ&tgktksa dh lqj{kk ds fy, psrkouh tkjh djrs gSaA pØokr ds izdksi ls izHkkfor fdlh Hkh LFkku ij cpko dk;ksaZ esa yxs gsyhdkWIVjksa@ok;q;kuksa ds fy, Hkh ;g dk;kZy; ekSle lsok,¡ miyC/k djkrs gSaA ekWMy ij fd, x, v/;;uksa ds vk/kkj ij okLrfod le; iwokZuqeku ds fy, Hkkjrh; ok;qlsuk }kjk 'kks/k dk;Z fd;k tk jgk gSA xzsy vkSj dSu&fÝ’k 2 ¼lrgh laogu lfgr½ diklh izpkyhdj.k ;kstuk dk mi;ksx djds pØokr ds ekxZ ds iwokZuqeku ds fy, Hkkjrh; ok;qlsuk ds ekSle vuqHkkx }kjk mM+hlk ds egkpØokr ds eslksLdsy fun’kZ ,e- ,e- 5 ds vk/kkj ij v/;;u fd;k x;k gSA xzsy ;kstuk ls rwQku ds okLrfod ekxZ ls yxHkx fudV ds ekxZ dk irk pyk gSA dSu&fÝ’k 2 ;kstuk ls irk pys ekxZ  ls if’pe caxky vkSj mlds vkl&ikl ds {ks=ksa esa pØokr ds izfrorZu dk irk pyk gSA

  The Directorate of Meteorology is responsible for the provisioning of weather services for safe conduct of Indian Air Force (IAF) flying operations in the country. The Meteorological (Met) Sections at IAF bases closely monitor a Tropical Cyclone formation, intensification and movement and issue storm warning to safeguard its valuable property that primarily includes Aircrafts. It also provides the weather services for all the helicopter/Aircraft Rescue Operations that are taken up after the fury of the cyclone experienced at a place. Generation of real time forecast from model studies is in the Research Stage in IAF.  A meso-scale model (MM5) studies of super cyclone of Orissa were carried out by IAF Met to generate forecast tracks of the Cyclone using Grell and Kain-Fritsch 2 (with shallow convection) cumulus parameterization scheme.  The Grell scheme indicated the track slightly close to the actual track of the storm. The KF2 scheme led to the generation of the track that indicated the re-curvature of the system in to West Bengal and adjoining regions.




How to Cite

R. P. . SHIVHARE and V. S. . SRINIVAS, “Tropical cyclonic storms – Modeling studies in Indian Air Force ”, MAUSAM, vol. 57, no. 1, pp. 135–140, Jan. 2006.



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