Some observations on the vertical fallout profile on Grasubreen—A mountain glacier in Norway


  • JAGDISH BAHADUR Geophysics Division, Central Water and Power Research Station, Poona



Snow and ice samples (116 Nos.), collected from six snow pits and three twin boreholes along the axis of Grasubreen, the highest mountain glacier in Norway, were analysed for their salt content, fission fallout concentration and fractionation of Oxygen-18.

The sodium fallout varied from 0. 4to 1.9 ppm and could be related to the origin of precipitation from the west (maritime) or from the southeast and Northeast (Continental). Another feature is of resistivity and sodium concentration having a periodic variation with about18 years half cycle (cf. Bruckner period). The peaks of gross beta activity are well related to those observed In precipitation of 1958 and 1963. The tritium profiles for two boreholes in the accumulation zone shows distinctly that there is not much of mixing in ice of different years.

The fractionation of 180 from snow samples shows no systematic altitude effect. However, the 180 content of ice cores from one borehole shows some correlation with the average annual air temperatures for a neighbouring meteorological station.

Snow accumulation rates are determined from the fallouts and also Oxygen-18and a favourable comparison is obtained with the standard stake data.




How to Cite

J. . BAHADUR, “Some observations on the vertical fallout profile on Grasubreen—A mountain glacier in Norway”, MAUSAM, vol. 24, no. 3, pp. 223–234, Jul. 1973.



Research Papers