On the southerly movement of the Arabian Sea Storm, November 1964






In November 1964, there was a storm in the Arabian Sea which had an unnsual southerly movement during an appreciable period of its life-history. A detailed examination of this disturbance in the Arabian Sea with a view to determine accurately the track of the storm and possible cause for its southerly movement has been under taken and the results presented in this note. On account of the paucity of data in the central Arabian Sea region where the storm moved south, it is not possible to look for any directive field in the upper troposphere. Hence the distributions of sea surface temperature from all available ships data have been studied. The charts of anomalies of sea surface temperature show the existence of warmer waters in more southern latitudes when the storm moved south. The distrubance weakened on moving into colder water. Computations of total flux of energy from sea to air have been made to establish evidence of the source of energy of the storm in more southern atitudes during the period in question.





How to Cite

V. . SARMA, “On the southerly movement of the Arabian Sea Storm, November 1964”, MAUSAM, vol. 19, no. 1, pp. 73–80, Jan. 1968.



Shorter Contribution