Radar cloud observations at Bombay during the monsoon season of 1960


  • S. V. DATAR Meteorological Office, Bombay Airport, Bombay
  • D. N. SIKDAR Meteorological Office, Bombay Airport, Bombay
  • N. C. RAI SIRCAR Meteorological Office, Bombay Airport, Bombay




The frequencies of cloud occurrences at different hours ill the various sectors around Santacruz aerodrome, as observed by a 3.cm weather radar, have been compiled for the monsoon season of 1960 and presented in this note. The observations indicate certain preferred areas of cloud occurrence at different synoptic hours. The information may be useful to forecaster In connection with the issue of landing forecasts for aviation and particularly in indicating the probability of presence of clouds over the approach sector of the runway in use, causing low ceiling or poor visibility due to precipitation.




How to Cite

S. V. DATAR, D. N. SIKDAR, and N. C. R. SIRCAR, “Radar cloud observations at Bombay during the monsoon season of 1960”, MAUSAM, vol. 15, no. 3, pp. 453–458, Jul. 1964.



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