Observations of internal wave oscillations in the upper thermocline based on CTD-yoyo measurements during ARMEX-I


  • J. SWAIN Naval Physical and Oceanographic Laboratory, Kochi – 682 021, India
  • CHANCHAL DE Naval Physical and Oceanographic Laboratory, Kochi – 682 021, India
  • K. A. ABDUL SALAM Naval Physical and Oceanographic Laboratory, Kochi – 682 021, India
  • V. G. RADHAKRISHNAN Naval Physical and Oceanographic Laboratory, Kochi – 682 021, India




ARMEX, CTD yoyo, Observations of internal waves


A CTD yoyo experiment was conducted onboard ORV Sagar Kanya (SK-179) during the second cruise of ARMEX Phase-I to observe the extent of internal wave oscillations which induce sound speed fluctuations along their propagation path. The Mini CTD of Sensor data was attached with the Sea-Bird CTD available onboard SK. Both the systems were continuously lowered and hauled up (yoyo) within the upper thermocline, between 45 and 205 m of the water column at a deep water location (15° 23.12¢ N and 72° 10.55¢ E) while the ship was allowed to drift. There were total 36 profiles (down cast and up cast) collected within a period of 2 hours and 10 minutes. The observations made by Mini CTD and Sea-Bird CTD were interpolated in depth (50 to 200 m at 1m interval) and time (3.6 minutes – duration of each cast) for comparison as they have different accuracies. The profiles collected during the start of the yoyo and on completion clearly revealed a well defined mixed layer (nearly 43 m) and its temperature remained practically same. The isotherms during the time-series clearly revealed internal wave oscillations of height and period ranging from 2 to 4 m and 18 to 40 minutes respectively excluding the higher frequencies. The upward and downward movements of 2 to 20 m along the depth/vertical were attributed to well known tidal internal waves.





How to Cite

J. SWAIN, C. DE, K. A. A. SALAM, and V. G. RADHAKRISHNAN, “Observations of internal wave oscillations in the upper thermocline based on CTD-yoyo measurements during ARMEX-I”, MAUSAM, vol. 56, no. 1, pp. 275–280, Jan. 2005.



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