Need for intensified seismological studies in northeast India


  • S. N. SEN
  • P. K. GUHA ROY



seismological, northeast India, Plate Tectonics Hypothesis


Of late there has been a keen awareness among scientists, the media and the general public about  the vulnerability of  NE India to major earthquakes, specially in view of the situation of this region at consumable plate boundaries (according to the Plate Tectonics Hypothesis), The seismological observatory in Shillong has been continuously recording the tremors felt in this region and determining their epicentres, many of  which are on the plate boundaries in the Arunachal Himalayas and the Naga -Patko and Lushai ranges .The recent seismological studies by the Regional  Research Laboratory at Jorhat ( Khazanchi et al, 1979) have indicated the possibility of  a major earthquake in the region Within the decade of seventies, This has led to considerable public concern.

In view of the growing concern about an impending disaster it is imperative that the concerned agencies should take more active interest in seismological studies in this region.

As, far as Geological Survey of India (GSI) is concerned its basis function in an earthquake studies programme will include preparation of detailed structural an semiso-tectonico map or he region based on ground survey as well as aerial photo and satellite Imagery Interpretation, Identification of the active fault zones and then evolve some method of continuous monitoring of tremors and movements of the ground in these fault zones, In this task the. GSI would act in collaboration with the Seismological Observatory in Shillong of India Met. Dep., the Regional Research Laboratory In Jorhat as well, as the Earthquake Engineering Deptt. of Roorkee University.





How to Cite

S. N. . SEN and P. K. G. . ROY, “Need for intensified seismological studies in northeast India”, MAUSAM, vol. 30, no. 2 & 3, pp. 187–190, Apr. 1979.



Research Papers