An analysis of the Masulipatam Cyclone of October 1949


  • S. N. SEN
  • C. A. GEORGE



Airmass, Radiosonde, Upper wind, Masulipatam


The paper gives the results of an analysis of a cyclone in the Bay of Bengal which struck Masulipatam on 28 October 1949. The available surface meteorological observations, upper winds and radiosonde data have been examined with a view to determine the air masses which took part ill the formation and maintenance of the cyclone. Three air masses (Pc, Tm and Em) are found to have participated in the development of the cyclone, the interaction of the Tc and Pm air providing the active up-glide surface of a warm front type. The sequence of rainfall observed along the Orissa -Circars coast provides useful clue in support of the orientation of the warm front. The air masses involved and the frontal structure of the cyclone have been compared with those of a similar cyclone of 1945. In the latter case, two air masses (Tm and Em) only appear to have taken part at least during the formative stage of the cyclone and even for its maintell6nce for at least the first few days. Incursion of Pc air at a later stage, however, helped the development of a marked convergence zone.




How to Cite

S. N. . SEN and C. A. . GEORGE, “An analysis of the Masulipatam Cyclone of October 1949”, MAUSAM, vol. 3, no. 4, pp. 264–277, Oct. 1952.



Research Papers