Optimum grid length for analysis of wind field with respect to the existing network of upper air observing stations over India and its neighbourhood


  • S. RAJA MANI Indian Institute of Tropical Meteorology. Pune
  • D. R. TALWALKAR Indian Institute of Tropical Meteorology. Pune
  • SATHY NAIR Indian Institute of Tropical Meteorology, Pune – 411008, India
  • D. R. SIKKA Indian Institute of Tropical Meteorology, Pune – 411008, India




The optimum grid length for the analysis of wind field with respect to the existing network of upper air observing stations over India and the neighbourhood is determined. This is done in the following way. Analyses of wind field at 700 mb level for 31 days (July 1979) for six different grid lengths were made by a standard objective method and the root mean square errors of analysis were computed. The grid length for which the average root mean square error has been minimum, was determined. The dependence of root mean square errors on the number of observations used as input has also been examined.





How to Cite

S. R. MANI, D. R. . TALWALKAR, S. . NAIR, and D. R. SIKKA, “Optimum grid length for analysis of wind field with respect to the existing network of upper air observing stations over India and its neighbourhood”, MAUSAM, vol. 37, no. 3, pp. 289–292, Jul. 1986.



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