Vorticity patterns vis-à-vis rainfall distribution over India during July1979


  • B. M. CHHABRA India Meteorological Department, New Delhi, India
  • B. V. SINGH India Meteorological Department, New Delhi, India
  • V. DAYAL India Meteorological Department, New Delhi, India
  • A. D. ARYA India Meteorological Department, New Delhi, India




The association of relative vorticity  patterns at 0. 9 km asl and at 300 rob level with the 24-hourly rainfall recorded upto 03 GMT of the next day has been studied for the month of July 1979. The Vorticity field is derived from objectively analysed wind field at 2 degrees latitude/longitude grid length by using finite difference technique. It is found that cyclonic vorticity at 0.9 kro asl with anticyclonic or cyclonic vorticity at 300 mb level has very high association with rainfall of next day.




How to Cite

B. M. CHHABRA, B. V. SINGH, V. DAYAL, and A. D. ARYA, “Vorticity patterns vis-à-vis rainfall distribution over India during July1979”, MAUSAM, vol. 33, no. 4, pp. 477–480, Oct. 1982.



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