Drought conditions in the Telengana Division (Andhra Pradesh) during the Southwest Monsoon season


  • S. BANERJI Meteorological office, New Delhi
  • B. M. CHHABRA Meteorological office, New Delhi




Departure from normals of seasonal rainfall (June to September) of Telengana Division of Andhra Pradesh was studied to assess the frequency and intensity of droughts. But this criteria was found unsatisfactory. Frequency distribution of run of dry spell was, therefore, considered taking a dry day as a day with rain less than 15 cents since it was felt that the drought conditions are not so much dependant on the total seasonal rainfall as on the lehgth of the dry spell or spells. Probability of dry spell and their average expected number per season was calculated for the various States and it has been submitted that a 25 per cent increase in IO-day dry spell may be deemed to constitute a drought.




How to Cite

S. BANERJI and B. M. CHHABRA, “Drought conditions in the Telengana Division (Andhra Pradesh) during the Southwest Monsoon season”, MAUSAM, vol. 14, no. 4, pp. 403–415, Oct. 1963.



Research Papers