Mean heat island intensities at Delhi -Assessed from Urban Climatological data


  • KRISHNA NAND Meteorological Office, Pune
  • S. J. MASKE Meteorological Office, Pune



Based on data collected from 11 Urban Climatological stations in Delhi during 1976, mean heat island intensities at Delhi have been assessed from analyses of minimum temperature fields in different months. It has been found that maximum monthly mean heat island intensity, at  Delhi was of the order of about 5 deg. C during March in the congested and heavily populated area near Subzi Mandi, and the minimum was about 0.8 deg. C during July. A cold pocket was also observed near South Patel Nagar where congestion is less. Further, the magnitude of maximum monthly mean value of the difference in maximum temperature between a location having the highest maximum temperature and a location having the lowest maximum temperature (on the same day) did not exceed 1 deg. C during any month.




How to Cite

K. NAND and S. J. MASKE, “Mean heat island intensities at Delhi -Assessed from Urban Climatological data”, MAUSAM, vol. 32, no. 3, pp. 269–272, Jul. 1981.



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