Meteorological satellites-a major hydrological tool


  • S. BANERJI National Committee for International Hydrological Decade, C.S.I.R., New Delhi



Hydrological forecasting includes the aspects of assessment of flows under the different regimes of the river which are very well related-with the seasonal precipitation and has a great impact on all the aspects of national activity where water is needed for their development. Hydrology is intimately connected with the atmospheric processes, the movement of cyclones and depressions and the onset and withdrawal of monsoon; If advance informations on these weather aspects are available to the Hydrologists, it would save the country from many a catastrophy. As an example, the case of Damodar flood of September-October, 1959 may be cited. Similarly many multipurpose dams could be utilised more economically for controlling floods.

Another hydrological aspect, i. e., low flow is important for the agriculturist. If, through 80 proper interpretations of satellite pictures, he is assured of some extra water associated with the passage of disturbances he can draw little more liberally from the rationed supply of water at the crucial period of the crop development.

Through proper interpretation of the satellite pictures of snow cover over inaccessible areas of Himalayas we will be filling a big gap in the understanding of our water balance. In addition the co-operation which we can render through analysis and rapid transmission of satellite information to neighbouring countries will be a great contribution.




How to Cite

S. . BANERJI, “Meteorological satellites-a major hydrological tool”, MAUSAM, vol. 22, no. 3, pp. 365–368, Jul. 1971.



Research Papers