Persistence of the movement of the tropical cyclones depressions In the Bay of Bengal during the premonsoon and post monsoon periods


  • S. JAYARAMAN Regional Meteorological Centre, Madras
  • T. R. SRINIVASAN Regional Meteorological Centre, Madras
  • N. C. RAI SIRCAR Regional Meteorological Centre, Madras



An examination of the tracks of cyclonic storms/depressions in the Bay of Bengal during the pre-monsoon and post-monsoon periods (April-May and October-December respectively) for the years 1891 to 1960 was made with reference to the characteristic of their direction of movements. The sea area was divided into 2 ½ degree squares for this study. The cyclonic disturbances in each of the 2 ½ degree were classified into three categories, viz., (1) clockwise curvature, a. (2) anticlockwise curvature, b and (3) persistent type, c. The relative percentage frequencies of the above types a, b and c in each of the 2 ½ degree squares for the months April-May and October-December were found out and isolines of the percentage frequencies at 20 percent intervals were drawn on the diagrams.




How to Cite

S. JAYARAMAN, T. R. SRINIVASAN, and N. C. R. SIRCAR, “Persistence of the movement of the tropical cyclones depressions In the Bay of Bengal during the premonsoon and post monsoon periods”, MAUSAM, vol. 17, no. 3, pp. 395–398, Jul. 1966.



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