Design of representative and key rain gauge stations network for flood forecasting in Yamuna and Damodar rivers


  • D. V. L. N. RAO
  • V. K. BHALLA



Raingauge networks, variation in areal rainfall


Representative raingauge networks have been determined for two selected catchments in India and regression equations for working out estimates of areal rainfall over the catchment from the rainfall data recorded at these stations have been developed. A few alternate key station networks have also been indicated for  yielding representative estimates of areal rainfall when data for some station in the representative network may be missing. The stability of the various selected networks has also been tested with different sets of rainfall data. It has been possible to determine a small number of stations giving a multiple correlation coefficient of 96 and 98 and the regression explains about 92 arid 97 per cent of the variation in areal rainfall respectively for the two catchments.




How to Cite

D. V. L. N. . RAO and V. K. BHALLA, “Design of representative and key rain gauge stations network for flood forecasting in Yamuna and Damodar rivers”, MAUSAM, vol. 28, no. 1, pp. 63–73, Jan. 1977.



Research Papers